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Babapour, Maral, Chalmers University of Technology
Bäck, Thomas, Umeå University
Bäcklander, Gisela, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Bäcklander, Gisela, Swedish Defence University
Bäckström, Martin, Department of Psychology, Lund University
Bæk, Sindre
Bakkeli, Vidar, Oslo Metropolitan University
Baldschun, Andreas, Department of Social Sciences, University of Eastern Finland
Bamberger, Simon Grandjean, Department of Occupational Health, Aalborg Hospital, Denmark
Bamberger, Simon Grandjean, Aalborg University Hospital
Barth, Erling, Institute for Social Research (ISF)
Barth, Henrik, Halmstad University
Bengtsson, Mattias, Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg,
Bengtsson, Mattias, University of Gothenburg
Berg, Tone Elisabeth, Nord University
Bergene, Ann Cecilie, The Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU)
Bergene, Ann Cecilie, Work Research Institute, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
Bergholm, Tapio, University of Helsinki
Bergholm, Tapio, University of Eastern Finland
Berglund, Tomas, University of Gothenburg
Bergman, Ann, Karlstad University
Bergman, Ann, Working Life Science, Karlstad University
Bergman, Caroline, The Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg
Bergqvist, Tuula, Working Life Science, Karlstad University
Bergschöld, Jenny M., Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Bernstrøm, Vilde Hoff, Oslo and Akershus University of Applied Sciences
Berthou, Sara Kristine Gløjmar, The Danish Society of Engineers
Bie-Drivdal, Arnhild, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University
Björk, Lisa, Institute of Stress Medicine, Region Västra Götaland
Björk, Lisa, University of Gothenburg
Björkenfeldt, Oscar, Lund University
Bjørnstad, Thor Christian, Norwegian School of Sport Science, Department of Cultural and Social Studies
Bjuhr, Marie, University of Gävle
Blair-Loy, Mary, UC San Diego
Bloksgaard, Lotte, FREIA Gender Research Center, Aalborg University
Bloksgaard, Lotte, Aalborg University
Blomqvist, Martha, Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University
Bogen, Hanne, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research
Bol, Thijs, University of Amsterdam
Bolin, Malin, Mid Sweden University
Bordi, Laura, University of Tampere
Boréus, Kristina, Institute for Housing and Urban Research, Uppsala University
Borg, Vilhelm, National Research Center for the Working Environment
Borgen, Per-Christian, Nord University
Børve, Hege Eggen, Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim
Børve, Hege Eggen, Nord University, Levanger
Boulus-Rødje, Nina, Roskilde University
Bramming, Pia, Aarhus University – Faculty of Arts
Bråthen, Magne, Oslo Metropolitan University
Bratt, Christopher, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Bredgaard, Thomas, Department of Political Science, Aalborg University
Bredgaard, Thomas, Aalborg University
Breit, Eric, Work Research Institute, HiOA
Brennan, Christopher, University of Groningen
Bruhn, Anders, School of Law, Psychology and Social Work, Örebro University
Buch, Anders, VIA University College
Buch, Anders, Aalborg University Copenhagen
Buch, Anders
Buch, Anders, Aalborg University
Byrne, John-Paul, Maynooth University

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