


  • Morten Winther Bülow Phd-studerende




digitale læringsstrategier, Hybride læringsstrategier, digitale ressourceøkologier


The purpose of this article is to identify patterns in upper-secondary school students’ perceptions of their own learning strategies. The extraordinary situation in 2020 offered opportunities to examine students’ experiences of courses that alternated between blended learning, virtual teaching, and a variety of hybrid formats.

It turned out that the students described their handling of the challenges and opportunities differently - and that the descriptions reflect patterns in strategic action.

Based on a theoretical framework that enables us to study learning strategies in an ecological perspective, we ask two research questions: 1) How do upper-secondary school students present their own learning strategies? and 2) What learning strategic patterns can be identified?

The method of the article comprises abductive sequences that alternate between establishing theoretical frameworks, carrying out thematic analyzes based on the students’ self-narratives, and qualitative online interviews to validate the identified dimensions and patterns.

The study reveals how students express the different - digital and non-digital - resource dimensions in dealing with the hybrid educational context. Finally, the students’ learning strategic self-understandings are summarized in five coherent learning strategie patterns.


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How to Cite

Bülow, M. W. (2020). Dansk: Dansk. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 13(23), 20. https://doi.org/10.7146/lom.v13i23.121989