LOM#25: Dilemmas of digitasation


Editor: Jens Jørgen Hansen, jjh@sdu.dk, University of Southern Denmark
Editor: Lillian Buus, libu@via.dk, VIA University College
Guest editor: Stig Børsen Hansen, stbh@sdu.dk, University of Southern Denmark

In this issue of LOM, we focus on the dilemmas, barriers and paradoxes that unfold when, to a still greater extent, teaching is digitised. Examples of dilemmas are when educational institutions select digital platforms which, in themselves, contain pedagogical possibilities and limitations. Or when educators develop teaching materials and encounter copyright challenges. When an educator team has developed a course and poses the question: who owns this material? When students in an assignment conduct interviews and questionnaire surveys and are faces with challenges in relation to GDPR issues such as consent, data storage and data processing or in other words, when the digital resource dictates the educational design.

The dilemmas of digitisation thus contain a broad spectrum of ethical and legal challenges as well as pedagogical, strategic and quality assurance dilemmas that are found at the institutional level as well as at the levels of teaching and learning.

This issue calls for case studies that investigate and elaborate on one or more dilemmas, barriers or paradoxes. Contributions should consider and discuss possible solutions to the dilemmas identified.

Specifically, in this issue, we call for articles that deal with, e.g.:

* Copyright challenges in relation the development of courses that include texts, images and video – e.g. in relation to who owns the course materials

* GDPR challenges at the institutional level as well as at the levels of teaching, learning and research

* Provision of MOOCs and other types of online teaching – a clash of educational policy and educational quality from a pedagogical perspective?

* Selection of digital platforms – affordances, limitations and practical usage

* Tender procedures in relation to the selection of digital platforms – how are they conducted, and how are teachers and students involved/not involved?

* Timetable planning, classroom allocation and other logistical needs – what opportunities and limitations do they present for a coherent teaching plan with online activities?

* The interplay between the organisation of education, course development and students’ digital learning – new opportunities or a restriction of the teacher’s pedagogic freedom and imagination?

* Social media and law – what about the digital footprints left by students and teachers, the ethical dilemmas, and what about GDPR?

* Coherence or collision between learning that is mediated digitally and learning through physical presence?

* Development dilemmas – collegial interplay or forced collectivisation?

* The relationship between the strategic processes of institutions and digitisation of teaching

Important dates

* Submission of abstract (100 – 200 words): 12 April 2021. Submit your abstract via e-mail to one of the editors.

* Notification of acceptance/rejection: 20 May 2021

* Manuscript (or media product): 1 September 2021

* Review sent to authors: 1 November 2021

* Final manuscript: 1 December 2021

* Publication of issue: January 2022

About the Journal LOM - see http://www.lom.dk

Learning and Media (LOM) is a web-based electronic journal on the use of IT and digital media for communication, learning, competence and cooperation. Learning and Media is simultaneously a forum for exchange of experiences with the use of mediation, e-learning and e-based cooperation - in view of international trends and research that can support a quality-based development of the area of Danish and Scandinavian institutions.

Learning and Media is published twice a year and is available exclusively online. The journal is directed at teachers, students, researchers and developers in higher education and others who have interest in learning and media.

Journal articles may be of practical and theoretical nature:

* Practical / application-oriented: Description of practical experience or the coupling between theory and practice.

* Theoretical / reflective: Focus on e-learning theory, pedagogy and didactics.

The journal is open to:

* Traditional academic articles

* Shorter texts

* Alternative types of publications such as video, audio or multimedia productions

* Short contributions to debate

* Reviews

* Minutes or the like

All manuscripts are to follow these guidelines:
