About the Journal

Focus and field

Learning and Media is an online, open-access and peer-reviewed journal that publishes academic articles on the use of it and digital media in teaching, learning and competence development.

The journal is primarily directed at higher education, but also orients itself towards the use of it and digital media for learning at other levels of the educational system. At the same time, the journal encompasses both institutional and non-institutional, formal and informal use of it and digital media for learning. Calls for papers may be delimited to specific themes and educational levels. Articles outside themes are also welcome.

In addition, the journal is a forum for the exchange of experiences with the use of it and digital media in teaching, learning and competence development. The target group for Learning and Media are researchers, developers, teachers and students who work with learning and media. The intention of the journal is to contribute insight into international trends and research that can support a quality conscious development within the area at Danish and Scandinavian institutions.

Learning and Media is published twice a year and is only available online.

The background of Learning and Media

Learning and Media is a continuation of the Journal for the Continuing and Further Education of the Danish Universities (Tidsskriftet for Universiteternes Efter- og Videreuddannelse) published in the period 2003 – 2007 by The Continuing and Further Education of the Danish Universities UNEV. Previous issues published in the UNEV context are still available at the Learning and Media website.

Peer review proces

All articles will be submitted to a Double-blind peer review performed by a Scandinavian panel of experts.

Theme editors will screen submitted articles and ask for a revised version or reject articles if they do not comply with the Guidelines for authors.

Publication frequency

Articles for the theme issues of Learning and Media will be published continuously.

Articles outside theme issues will also be published continuously, and they will be attached to the theme issue of the publication period in question.

Open Access policy

This journal offers Open Access to all journal contents based on the principle that free, public access to research supports extensive, global knowledge exchange. Learning and Media permits authors to archive the version published by the journal in institutional (e.g. PURE) and academic (e.g. ResearchGate) archives.

Note, however, that the version published by the journal will always be freely available on the journal website (lom.dk). Archiving the article elsewhere can have a negative impact on the download statistics of the article.


The journal does not charge any fees in connection with peer review and publication of articles.


The Royal Danish Library ensures backups of published materials.