ICTs and the concept and practice of internationalization of higher education
internationalisering, globalisering, ictResumé
In this article, we will discuss the potential of ICTs in terms of developing the concept and practice of internationalisation of higher education. Based on a number of Danish and international cases, it will be argued that ICTs are being used as tools in the process of developing the concept and prac-tice of internationalisation of higher education. Why this is not happening to a broader extent is discussed and it is suggested that a clear, strategic anchoring of such efforts, including the proper support services, the parti-cipation and ownership of faculty, staff and students, and clear financial prospects may be necessary in order to successfully apply ICTs for internationalisation purposes on a broader scale. Finally, it is highlighted that more research, studies and documentation of practice in this area, not least in a Danish setting, would be beneficial to develop and broaden the concept and practice of internationalisation.
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