How to study - supporting university students in their design of digital Personal Learning Environments


  • Marie Urte Leistner Student
  • Jens Jørgen Hansen Syddansk Universitet



Design-Based Research, Personal Learning Environments , virtual learning environment


Personal Learning Environments are a promising phenomenon that holds various benefits for students at universities. There is however a need for adequate support and guidance to successfully design a Personal Learning Environment. Existing models and design principles are usually not actively addressing students therefore making it difficult for university students to effectively create and maintain a PLE. In this project, a Design-based Case Study was conducted to gain insights into students decision-making process when designing a Personal Learning Environment and develop a student-centred design model. Created for students, this design model will focus on equipping students with PLE designing skills for an improved (lifelong) learning experience.


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LOM29: Motivation, agens og teknologi