Brug af online materiale i undervisningen i almen medicin
Medicinstuderende, Almen praksis, Flipped learning, KommunikationResumé
I kurset på almen medicin ved Københavns Universitet optager de studerende video af deres konsultationer i almen praksis. Video konsultationer med skuespillere og praktiserende læger blev produceret for at understøtte undervisningen. Målet med dette studie var at evaluere effekten af at indføre konsultations-videos i den eksisterende undervisning. Sidste semester studerende (N=587) blev af universitet inddelt i seks grupper og en stigende mængde online materiale blev trinvis indført. Et spørgeskema og en test video målte ændringen i de studerendes evne til at identificere patient-centerede elementer i en test video før og efter kurset. Indførslen af videoklip øgede ikke de studerendes evne til dette. Derimod blev de studerende bedre til at evaluere det kliniske indhold i test video. At se konsultations videoklip før undervisningen med henblik på diskussion øger de studerendes forståelse af sygdomsbillede i almen praksis.
Abdullah, A. (2020). Instructional Design Considerations for Flipped Classroom. International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 16 Number 6, 16(6). Accessed, Dec 8. 2021
Adams, N. E. (2015). Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning objectives. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA.
Albrahim, F. A. (2020). Online Teaching Skills and Competencies. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – January 2020, Volume 19 Issue 1, 19(1). Accessed, Dec 8. 2021
Boysen, P. G., Daste, L., & Northern, T. (2016). Multigenerational Challenges and the Future of Graduate Medical Education. The Ochsner Journal, 16(1), 101–107.
Braverman, G., Merrell, S. B., Bruce, J. S., Makoul, G., & Schillinger, E. (2016). Finding the words: Medical students’ reflections on communication challenges in clinic. Family Medicine, 48(10), 775–783. Accessed, Dec 8. 2021
Brown, J., Stewart, M., McCracken, E. R., McWhinney, I. R., & Levenstein, J. (1986). The patient-centred clinical method 2 definition and application. Family Practice, 3(2), 75–79.
Chen, F., Lui, A. M., & Martinelli, S. M. (2017). A systematic review of the effectiveness of flipped classrooms in medical education. In Medical Education.
Deveugele, M., Derese, A., De Maesschalck, S., Willems, S., Van Driel, M., & De Maeseneer, J. (2005). Teaching communication skills to medical students, a challenge in the curriculum? Patient Education and Counseling.
Engel, G. L. (1977). The need for a new medical model: A challenge for biomedicine. Science.
Hailikari, T., Katajavuori, N., & Lindblom-Ylanne, S. (2008). The relevance of prior knowledge in learning and instructional design. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 72(5), 113. 10.5688/aj7205113
Hew, K. F., & Lo, C. K. (2018a). Flipped classroom improves student learning in health professions education: A meta-analysis. BMC Medical Education, 18(1).
Hew, K. F., & LO, C. K. (2018). Flipped classroom improves student learning in health professions education: a meta-analysis. BMC Medical Education, 18(1), 38.
Innes, A. D., Campion, P. D., & Griffiths, F. E. (2005). Complex consultations and the “edge of chaos”. The British Journal of General Practice: The Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 55(510), 47–52. Accessed, Dec 8. 2021
Jorgensen, M., Witt, K.& Mäkelä, M. (2020). Evaluating Simulated Consultation Videos in Teaching Patient-Centered General Practice MedEdPublish 9(1).
Khanova, J., Roth, M. T., Rodgers, J. E., & Mclaughlin, J. E. (2015). Student experiences across multiple flipped courses in a single curriculum. Medical Education.
Lee, Y. H., & Kim, K. J. (2018). Enhancement of student perceptions of learner-centeredness and community of inquiry in flipped classrooms. BMC Medical Education, 18(1).
Levenstein, J. H., McCracken, E. C., McWhinney, I. R., Stewart, M. A., & Brown, J. B. (1986). The patient-centred clinical method. 1. A model for the doctor-patient interaction in family medicine. Family Practice, 3(1), 24–30.
Lubarsky, S., Dory, V., Audétat, M.-C., Custers, E., & Charlin, B. (2015). Using script theory to cultivate llness script formation and clinical reasoning in health professions education. Canadian MedicalEducation Journal, 6(2), e61-70.
Malon, M., Cortes D. & Greisen G. (2014). Medical students’assessment of pediatric patients - teaching and evaluation using video cases. BMC Medical Education,14:241, 14(241).
Norman, G. & Eva, K. W. (2013). Quantitative Research Methods in Medical Education. In Understanding Medical Education: Evidence, Theory and Practice: Second Edition. Wiley UK.
Shiau, S., Kahn, L. G., Platt, J., Li, C., Guzman, J. T., Kornhauser, Z. G., Keyes, K. M., & Martins, S. S. (2018). Evaluation of a flipped classroom approach to learning introductory epidemiology. BMC Medical Education, 18(1), 63.
Sullivan, G. M., & Feinn, R. (2012). Using Effect Size-or Why the P Value Is Not Enough. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 4(3), 279–282.
Thalmann, M., Souza, A. S., & Oberauer, K. (2019). How does chunking help working memory? Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45(1), 37–55.
Witt, K. (2003). Almen Medicin (Ivar Østergaard et al. (ed.); Munksgaard. Copenhagen
Witt, K. & Jorgensen, M. (2016). The logic and chronology of consultations in general practice - Teaching consultation skills in medical school. MedEdPublish.
Copyright (c) 2021 Merete Jorgensen, Klaus Witt, Matrjukka Mäkelä, Volkert Siersma, Christine Winther Bang
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