Kåre Nilsson: Norsk-portugisisk ordbok


  • Birger Lohse


Anmeldt værk:

Kåre Nilsson: Norsk-portugisisk ordbok. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1994. X+594 s.. Pris 575,- n. kr.
The work under review, the revised and enlarged edition of Kåre Nilsson's Norwegian-Portuguese Dictionary, is the most comprehensive dictionary from a Scandinavian language to Portuguese and, probably, also one of the biggest encoding dictionaries to this language so far produced anywhere. It puts emphasis on the structural differences between the two languages, being particularly informative in the field of phraseology and idiomatic expressions. On all linguistic levels European Portuguese takes priority over the Brazilian variant.




How to Cite

Lohse, B. (1996). Kåre Nilsson: Norsk-portugisisk ordbok. LexicoNordica, (3). Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/lexn/article/view/18924