Korpusbaseret leksikografi


  • Henning Bergenholtz


The first computerised corpora (Brown, LOB and Limas) can be described as poly-functional corpora of partial texts. They consisted of a certain number of small, brutally cut parts of texts, all of the same length, and they were intended as a lingu-istic basis for all linguistic research fields one could think of. But they could not fulfil this aim. Not only lexicography, but especially this science requires corpora with whole texts that have been collected for a special purpose. Whole texts here understood as texts taken in their entirety or at least parts of texts that may be seen as a whole, for instance a complete chapter.




How to Cite

Bergenholtz, H. (1996). Korpusbaseret leksikografi. LexicoNordica, (3). Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/lexn/article/view/18905