Det rör på sig inom finsk-tysk lexikografi
Anmeldt værk:
Aino Kärnä: Saksa-suomi-opiskelusanakirja ('Tysk-finsk studieord-bok'). WSOY Porvoo-Helsinki-Juva 1995. ISBN 951-0-19088-8. Pris FIM 175.
During the last years several middle sized German-Finnish dictionaries have been published in Finland. The one by Aino Kärnä is presented here because the author of this review considers it to be the best of these dictionaries. Finns who want to under-stand German texts are the target group of this "passive" dictionary. Some critical remarks are brought up mainly concerning the layout and formal matters but they are only of little importance compared with the highly reliably contents, i.e. the part of the publication its author is actually responsible for. With this highly recommendable work the German-Finnish lexicography made the step into the present closing a gap that had been deepening for decades. The most urgent desideratum now is an totally renewed German-Finnish comprehensive dictionary. In the review the item of grammatical gender vs. natural sex and the lexicographical handling of this complex is also discussed.
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