Racialized spatial attachments

Researcher positionality and access in a Danish suburban high school





education, racialisation, researcher positionality, passing, racial spaces, spatial attachments


Danish high school’s rising ethnic/racial diversity and tendencies of segregation call for explorations of students’ educational experiences of racialized differentiation. This article unfolds methodological reflections on this endeavor, by focusing on researcher access. Not only is space a medium through which racial relations materialize – space is also interconnected with access. If researchers depend on relations for access to sites of inquiry, which depends on how researchers are read by actors in the field, it is critical to scrutinize the spatial dimensions to such readings and what knowledge is (allowed to be) produced. Unfolding two ethnographic vignettes, the researcher’s positionality of passing is analyzed to explicate the relationship between racialized bodies and racialized spaces. I propose the notion of spatial attachments as an analytical lens for explaining such body–space conflations to illuminate the interconnectivity between educational spaces and the broader external world, and to expand the language to address racialization in the colorblind context of Danish high schools.


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How to Cite

Berisha, T. (2023). Racialized spatial attachments: Researcher positionality and access in a Danish suburban high school. Women, Gender & Research, 36(2), 63–79. https://doi.org/10.7146/kkf.v36i2.136438