Forhandlinger af tilhørsforhold på tværs af tid

Racialt minoriserede kvinders erindringer og erfaringer med at høre til i den danske folkeskole




Belonging, female students, Danish Schooling, time narratives, Race


Inspired by spatial education research and queer and critical race theories, this article investigates how experiences of being a racially minoritized girl/woman in a Danish primary school context have shaped over time and influenced their belonging at school and in society. The analytical insights in this article derive from empirical material that spans a longer period of time and are based on, respectively, empirical material in which racially minoritized women share their experiences of attending Danish primary school in the period 1970 to the 1990s and empirical material in which female students share their experiences of attending Danish primary school today. While the students’ experiences are negotiated on different racialized terms, the temporal perspective helps to identify patterns of how racial exclusion cuts across time and how access to being seen as (fully) Danish is a struggle for racially minoritized female students. Overall, the analysis finds that belonging in the Danish primary school and in Danish society is a constant struggle for racially minoritized female students. Demanding continuous negotiation, explanations, and imagined alternatives, belonging is neither neutral nor taken for granted by the racially minoritized female students neither in the 1970s nor today.


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How to Cite

Li, J. H., & Yang, A. (2023). Forhandlinger af tilhørsforhold på tværs af tid: Racialt minoriserede kvinders erindringer og erfaringer med at høre til i den danske folkeskole. Women, Gender & Research, 36(2), 80–95.