Transversing Sexualities and Critiques of Capital




This forum has come about through a series of conversations and discussions over a period of time in 2021-2022. Our ambition was to bring together scholars from different disciplines and perspectives, hoping for mutual curiosity and dialogue. We invited the participants to the forum to consider the following question:

“How can we understand the complex and often contradictory ways through which sexualities and capital are related to, shaped by, and constitutive of each other?”

Due to restrictions and exigencies of the corona situation together with time zone obstacles, the conversation had different modes. The fi rst part of the forum consisted of an online video-recorded conversation between M.E. O’Brien, Nat Raha and Grietje Baars. The conversation was moderated by Liu Xin and Mathias Klitgård. Laura Horn provided editorial support. Jin Haritaworn and Lisa Adkins then kindly sent their contributions to this conversation in writing. What you will read in the following is hence a conversation across three continents, which mixes synchronous and asynchronous elements, and which aims to show the strengths but also divergences and open questions in these different engagements.


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2022-06-28 — Updated on 2022-06-30

How to Cite

O’Brien, M., Raha, N., Baars, G., Xin, L., & Klitgård, M. (2022). Transversing Sexualities and Critiques of Capital. Women, Gender & Research, 33(1), 65–80.