Caught in the wave

Sexual harassment, sexual violence, and the #MeToo movement in Portugal




#MeToo movement, sexual harassment, sexual violence, Portuguese feminist movement, black feminist thought


The reception of the international #MeToo movement in Portugal has been complex and controversial. Issues of injustice regarding sexual harassment and sexual violence were always central to feminist organizations in Portugal, but the salience of these issues increased when women started to share their personal stories under #MeToo, the country’s favorite soccer star was accused of rape, and after some polemic court rulings. This paper uses a Black Feminist Thought approach and content analysis of newspaper data, to trace the political process feminist movements engaged in regarding gender-based violence. It also analyzes how #MeToo movement contributed to the visibility and framing of the issues, what collective actions were pursued, and what outcomes were achieved. The fi ndings show that the globalized #MeToo movement has contributed to revitalize the Portuguese feminist movement. New, younger, and more diverse members have joined its ranks, new feminist organizations were created, new frames were applied, and several collective actions organized, mostly in protesting court decisions. This vitality led to a more inclusive and intersectional
activism, but also to an increasing awareness of sexual harassment and sexual violence as targets of personal, collective, and institutional change.




How to Cite

Prata, A. (2021). Caught in the wave: Sexual harassment, sexual violence, and the #MeToo movement in Portugal. Women, Gender & Research, 29(1), 40–59.