Clarification of open access policy and copyright


We want to provide full open access to help scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon our wide range of content within the field of gender studies. We have therefore updated our policy to adhere to the best practices in open-access publishing. It is our hope also, that this will increase the visibility, accessibility, reputation, usage, and impact of Women, Gender & Research.

This means that:

- since 2018 we have been publishing articles online in the accepted version, formatted in the journal's layout, immediately following publication. Previously, the online version followed the printed version with a one year delay.

- beginning from 2019, we decided to give back the copyright to material published in the journal to the authors without restriction. In the cases where we reprint a text from another journal, other copyright policies may apply; this will be stated by the particular text on our website.

- beginning with the 2018/4 issue, Historiske perspektiver på køn, we have added a Creative Commons license to all publications which clarifies that you are free to copy and build upon the material published by the journal, as long as you give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made - and you may not use the material for commercial purposes.

- we have clarified our archiving policy using the Sherpa/Romeo 'green' open access model (see: This means that the journal allows the authors to archive their own article in open institutional archives, on their own website, or on their employers website, in the version and format accepted by the journal's editors (the accepted version, in the journal's layout in pdf. format), immediately after the article has been published (without delay).

- we have clarified that we do not charge submission fees or any other fees as part of the publication or editorial process from the authors. This has always been so, but in the current context this sometimes need clarification.

We hope that you as reader of and/or contributor to the journal support these updates and clarifications and that you will make further use of the high-quality articles published on our website!