Types of publications in Women, Gender and Research

Women, Gender & Research receives submissions in English as well as Danish and other Scandinavian languages.

Women, Gender & Research contains four types of publications.

1) Scientific articles.

Scientific articles undergo double-blind, anonymous, impartial and systematic peer-review. The articles live up to the highest scientific standards in international gender research.

2) Introductions

Every issue opens with an introduction, written by the issue-editors. The introduction explains the relevance of the issue and theme, connects the various publications in the issue, and introduces the field of research they are contributing to. Introductions are not peer-reviewed, but they are approved by the editorial board. Introductions express the journals aim and intent of the issue. 

3) Essays

An issue often contains one or more essays. An essay is a text, allowing for discussion and personal perspectives, which reflect the authors’ views on a given theme. Essays represent the views of the author, not the journal, but essays are often given comments and feedback from the editorial board in the editorial process and might undergo double-blind peer-review.

  1. Reviews

Each issue contains 3-5 reviews of new publications within, or relevant to, gender research. Reviewers must have in-depth knowledge and research experience in the field of the publication or adjacent fields and are appointed to represent a variety of scientific perspectives, fields and positions within gender research. Reviews are not peer-reviewed. Reviewers are appointed by the editorial board based on three principles: Knowledge, impartiality and pluralism.