Advisory Board


Associate Professor Stine W. Adrian, Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University

Associate Professor Lise Rolandsen Agustín, FREIA – Centre for Gender Research at the Department of Politics and Society, Aalborg University

Professor Rikke Andreassen, Department of Communication and Arts at the Centre for Gender, Power and Diversity, Roskilde University

Associate Professor Signe Arnfred, Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University

Associate Professor Leila Brännström, Department of Law, Lund University, Sweden

Professor Mette Buchardt, Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University

Professor Ulrika Dahl, Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University, Sweden

Associate Professor Mathias Danbolt, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Copenhagen University

Associate Professor Fataneh Farahani, Department of Ethnology, History of Religion and Gender Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden

Associate Professor Christina Fiig, School of Culture and Society - European Studies, Aarhus University

Assistant Professor Johanna Gondouin, Gender Studies, Linköpings University, Sweden

Professor Randi Gressgård, Centre for Women's and Gender Research, University of Bergen, Norway

Associate Professor Dag Heede, Department for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark

Associate Professor Laura Horn, Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University

Associate Professor Kirsten Hvenegård-Lassen, Department of Communication and Arts at the Centre for Gender, Power and Diversity, Roskilde University

Professor Karen Hvidfeldt, Centre for Gender and Diversity, University of Southern Denmark

Professor Anne Jerslev, Department of Communication, Copenhagen University

Professor Anu Koivunen, Gender Studies, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies, University of Turku, Finland

Professor Charlotte Kroløkke, Centre for Gender and Diversity, University of Southern Denmark

Professor Emerita Nina Lykke, Gender Studies, Linköping University, Sweden

Professor Diana Mulinari, Department of Gender Studies, Lund University, Sweden

Professor Lene Myong, Centre for Gender Studies, University of Stavanger, Norway

Associate Professor Camilla Møhring Reestorff, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University

Professor Susanna Passsonen, Media Studies, University of Turku, Finland

Professor Pia Quist, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Copenhagen University

Professor Tiina Rosenberg, Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University, Sweden

Associate Professor Marlene Spanger, Department of Politics and Society, Aalborg University

Associate Professor Carsten Stage, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University

Professor Dorthe Staunæs, Danish School of Education - Educational Psychology, Emdrup Aarhus University

Associate Professor Julia Suarez-Krabbe, Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University

Associate Professor Stine H. Bang Svendsen, Department of Teaching Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Professor Dorte Marie Søndergaard, Danish School of Education - Educational Psychology, Emdrup, Aarhus University

Professor Anne Scott Sørensen, Centre for Gender and Diversity, University of Southern Denmark

Professor Niels Ulrik Sørensen, Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University

Professor MSO Sara Louise Muhr, Department of Organisation, Copenhagen Business School