About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Women, Gender & Research is an academic, peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal, which aims to be a venue for the exchange of research findings and discussions within gender studies. We are a Danish journal with Nordic anchoring and an international aim: The journal seeks to be a platform for the breadth and depth of Danish gender research while simultaneously presenting Nordic and international trends and results. These are examined in independent articles as well as in theme-based special issues.

Women, Gender & Research publishes articles, essays, book reviews as well as other text genres, the starting point of which are the theories, methodologies, and themes of gender research from a Danish/Nordic perspective. The editors thus value contributions that engage in a qualified and insightful dialogue with the methods and history of gender research, including feminist theorizing and discussions.

Women, Gender & Research welcomes contributions that are based on feminist epistemologies and that emphasize the intersectional perspectives of gender research. Specifically, we welcome research and research communication that pays attention to the way in which gender intersects with other categories such as race/racialization, ethnicity, class, disability, sexuality, age, etc. The journal prioritizes research that centers voices and experiences from social positions that are traditionally marginalized.

Women, Gender & Research provides space for the publication of final research results as well as methodological and theoretical explorations. The journal invites both established as well as junior researchers to contribute to the field. We wish to strengthen the interdisciplinary discussion amongst gender researchers and therefore value contributions that seek to make research results available to gender researchers outside the author’s own discipline.

The journal aims to qualify and strengthen Danish and Nordic terminology and conversation about Nordic as well as international gender research. Women, Gender & Research, therefore, accepts articles and essays in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish as well as English, but when possible prioritizes contributions in Scandinavian languages.

See 'Submissions' for further information.

Peer Review Process

All original research articles go through a double-blind peer-review process by two or more external peer reviewers.
Essays and book reviews go through a thorough editorial process, and might in addition go through peer review. Red more about or review process.

Publication Frequency

Women, Gender & Research publishes two issues per year online. Before 2020 the journal was also published in print. If you are interested in buying print versions of the journal from before 2020, please contact the editorial secretary.

Most publications are special issues with a call for papers.

We also receive articles 'out of theme', i.e. that are not aimed at publication in a special issue. These articles are published whenever possible, either in a special issue that has room to spare or in an Open Issue, when we have received enough 'out of theme' articles to fill an issue. Please contact the editorial secretary if you are interested in knowing more about this.

Open Access policy

Articles published in Women, Gender & Research are made freely available online  in the accepted version, formatted in the journal's layout, immediately following publication. The journal does not charge any fees for the publication of articles or any other part of the editorial process. 

Rights and permissions

Women, Gender & Research is published using the 'green' open access model. This means that the journal allows the authors to archive their own article in open institutional archives, on their own website, or on their employers website, in the version and format accepted by the journal's editors (the accepted version, in the journal's layout in pdf. format), immediately after the article has been published (without delay).

Texts published by Women, Gender & Research are licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC. This means that:

You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Sales and subscription:

If you register as 'reader' on this website, you will recieve an e-mail every time a new issue is published. 


Women, Gender and Research is published with funding from The Independent Research Fund Denmark

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Before 2019: Women, Gender & Research

From 2019: The author(s) hold the copyright to their own work without restriction.

ISSN number:
ISSN -print: 0907-6182 (before 2019)
ISSN-online: 2245-6937