"I think that everyone feels some kind of stress"
An examination of stress perceptions and student stress measures in Danish universities
student stress, student wellbeing, study environment, evaluation, universityAbstract
Several Danish universities measure “stress” as an indicator of student wellbeing, and recent student environment surveys have shown widespread experiences of stress among students. However, students’ own understandings of “stress” – and thereby what their survey answers reflect – have not been examine. The purpose of this article is to investigate Danish university students’ understandings and ways of using the word stress. The analysis is based on 12 individual interviews with Danish university students from different programmes and universities. The word “stress” is used among students to describe a variety of experiences such as being busy, feeling ill and temporary, “productive” bodily states when preparing for exams. Hence, “student stress” cannot be defined as a broad, onedimensional category negatively related to wellbeing. There is a need for a more nuanced understanding and precise operationalization if the concept is to be included as an indicator of student wellbeing.
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