Klima som sila. Lokale klimateorier i Diskobugten
Ud fra empirisk materiale diskuterer artiklen lokale klimateorier, det grønlandske begreb sila samt den grønlandske forsker H.C. Petersens lokalt accepterede klima- teori. De lokale fortolkninger af klimaets forandringer adskiller sig fra og sætter spørgsmålstegn ved de naturvidenskabelige klimateorier. Hvad der i vestlige klima- diskurser anses som en katastrofe, placeres i et helt andet agens- og risikolandskab i Diskobugten, hvor forfatteren har lavet sit etnografiske feltarbejde.
Søgeord: klimaforandringer, Grønland, natur-kultur, politik, risiko, sila.
English: Climate as Sila. Local Climate Theories from the Disko Bay Area
Local climate theories are discussed on the basis of empirical material from Greenland and related to the Greenlandic concept of sila as well as the climate theories put forward by the Greenlandic researcher H.C Petersen. These theories differ from and question the climate theories promoted by the natural sciences. In the Disko Bay area, where the author conducted ethnographic fieldwork, the idea of catastrophe is especially placed in a landscape of risk and agency that is quite different from that found in Western climate discourses.
Keywords: Climate change, Greenland, nature-culture, politics, risks, sila
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