DON IZ HAR ONDT I MAVEN: Delt social erfaring og sameksisterende refleksiviteter
Peter Hervik: Don Iz’ Stomach Aches.
Shared Social Experience and Co-
Existing Reflexivities
This article delimits a locus of study
centered on the notion of shared social experience
which draws on the author’s
fieldwork among the Mayas of Yucatan in
Mexico. Shared social experience concems
the conscious identity of the ethnographer,
the nature of relationships with local informants,
and his or her willingness to be enganged
in the lived experince of native actors.
Only if we engage ourselves direetly
in the practical and emotional concems of
others in the field can we demystify subjectivity
and gain insight into other reflexivities
and reflexivities in their interactional
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