MENNESKER OG ELEFANTER: Om tolkninger af Afrikas elefanter i Afrika og Europa
Ingeborg Svennevig: People and elephants
- Of interpretations of African
elephants in Africa and Europe
In the article the author ventures into the different
interpretations that people have made
of the African elephant. These are then interpreted
as being founded on three distinet perception
of the relation between people and
animals: Anthropocentric, anthropomorphic
and zoomorphic. Examples are then given of
the relations between people and elephants
in accordance with the perceptions. Firstly,
as an animal meant for utilisation by people
primarily being hunted for ivory and meat.
Secondly, as an animal that people can understand
as they do each other, and therefore
hunt it in special ways that seems acceptable
for the hunter. And thirdly, as an animal that
can funetion as an exemplary to people and
the way we are living together in a natural
environment. It is concluded that animals
should only funetion as exemplary for
people, when it is stressed that the exempla-
ry is of human origin, carrying cultural and/
or social prescriptions.
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