LUFTBAREN KULA: Danske feltomitologers tilegnelse af fugle
John Liep: Airbourne Kula. The Appropriation
of Birds by Danish Fieid Ornithologists
Against a background of general attitudes
toward birds in the Danish public and the historical
development of popular omithology
the article discusses the practices and strategies
of fieid omithologists. Their community
is seen as a fieid of practice in which certain
values are diffused and acknowledged. A
specific development is “hit-hunting” or
“twitching” where omithologists collect observations
of rare birds. This may evolve into
a consuming passion and involves the use
of sophisticated communication equipment
and considerable expense. Two theories of
consumption are used to understand these
practices. In one consumption is regarded as
a means of competing for status and esteem.
In the other it builds on an inner urge for selffulfillment
believed to take place through
possession of coveted objects. These strategies
are not confined to the modem West but
are found also in the famous kula exchange
in Melanesia.
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