ETNOGRAFI PÅ AFVEJE: Om anvendeligheden af begrebet „lokal viden" i aids-forebyggelse
Ulla Godtfredsen: Ethnography Gone
Astray. On the Applicability of “Local
Knowledge” in HIV/AIDS Prevention
Researchers and organisations working in
the field of AIDS have increasingly sought
to explore and consider „local knowledge"
as a means of adapting AIDS prevention
programmes to local cultural settings. This
has been done in order to translate “Western
scientific facts” on AIDS into locally
intelligible terms in the belief that appropriate
information would make target groups
alter their behaviour, sexual and otherwise,
accordingly. By going through ethnographic
material on traditional healing and female
circumcision in Guinea-Bissau, the author
shows how „ocal knowledge” cannot be
conceived as a fixed and bounded category.
Knowledge is intertwined with practice and
continually changed in interaction with new
forms of knowledge. Also, the description of
„local" knowledge entails the demarcation
of fixed local entities which do not correspond
with the pluralism of any social
setting. It is therefore difficult, if not
impossible, to map out one form of „local
knowledge" and replace that with another
and “betler” set of (scientific) knowledge.
Efforts against HIV/AIDS must be part of a
broader cultural development process.
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