FORHANDLING OG DOKUMENTATION: Traditionel lov i Øvreægypten
- C. Korsholm Nielsen: Negotiation and
Documentation. Customary Law in
Upper Egypt
This article is concemed with customary law
in a district in Upper Egypt. It is based on an
interpretation of fifty documents (mahadar
al-sulh) issued within the last 25 years in
connection with the settling of disputes
among the people of the area. The
documents were collected during ethnographic
field research carried out from 1994
until 1996. The article describes the
documents, their content, and the traditional
reconciliation councils (majålis al-sulh)
which issue them, and argues, that although
the introduction of documents - and thereby
“writing” - into the reconciliation process
could be expected to alter the tradition, it
seems that the documents are so closely
related to singular and unique cases that no
ostensible change is taking place. The tradition
is still transmitted orally and depends
on the experience of individual men. The
documents, rather, are introduced as
mnemonic devices related to singular cases
and do not constitute a body of legal text.
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