JØDER, ARABERE OG ARABISKE JØDER: Udviklinger inden for nationalitetsforståelse i Israel
Maia Feldman: Jews, Arabs, and Arab
Jews. Developments within the Concept
of Nationality in Israel
The social development in Israel since the
1950s is an example of ho w groups of people
- in this case Jews of respectively European
and Middle Eastem origin - can experience
marked cultural and biological differences
between one another, and how in a relatively
short period of time, a powerful sense of
sameness can emerge. This process is
reflected in the Israeli concept of “nationality”
and has implied an essentialized
meaning of Jewishness and by implication of
“Arabs”. This article examines how the
perception of “Jews” and “Arabs” as two
essentially different “kinds” is expressed,
and in some cases opposed, by Israeli Jews
of Middle Eastem/Arab origins.
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