MADEN OG GIFTEN: TO SIDER AF SAMME SAG: Et eksempel fra Nias, Indonesien
Bente Wolff: Food and Poison - a Twosided
Coin: An Indonesian Example
By using examples from food distribution at
everyday occasions and feasts in a tourist
area on South Nias Island, food is described
as a life substance flowing to the individual
from the social relations. This practice
among others is both structured by and
structuring for the experience of the
fundamental principles of life as
substance given to the person by others.
Life’s opposite, sickness and death, is then
understood within the same logic as mortal
substance coming from others, i.e. poison.
These two categories are viewed as cultural
expressions of the local economic system,
but this system is not static. It is argued that
poison today is understood as a more
depersonalized force than previously, which
is itself a result of an increase in
commercialized exchange relations.
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