FOR EN OPLØSNING AF ALLE SELVFØLGELIGHEDER: Et teoretisk bidrag til den kritiske analyse
The article suggests new theoretical and
methodical ways of carrying out critical
anthropology. The objective is an attempt
to integrate a historical awareness in
anthropological studies of symbol systems
that often are perceived as standig outside
history, such as love, morality or even the
economic system. The point of departure
is a fresh reading of Michel Foucault’s
later works, where the concept dispositif is
being highlighted. Dispositif is a theoretical
metaphor for a socially established heterogeneous
morality which binds people
together by creating dispositions for actions.
Michel Foucault’s thoughts are used in
analysis of political processes in Northeast
Brazil, where participatory processes are
changing the position of local community
leaders in poor urban neighbourhoods.
Through a dispositional analysis of the
concept of participation, the article suggests
new ways of understanding conventional
truisms. Consequently, empirical data are
perceived through an altered analytical lense.
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