FELTARBEJDETS FORPLIGTELSER: Deltagelse og kritik blandt sateré-mawé-immigranter i Manaus, Brasilien
Current studies of human poverty and
suffering seem to lack reflexivity on the
kinds of alternatives or solutions that
might be found in the local context of
study. By reference to experiences from
fieldwork among indigenous Sateré-Mawé
immigrants in Manaus, Brazil it is illustrated
how “participation” as an anthropological
method is more than a tool for collecting
ethno-graphic data. It is a practice like any
other, involving social obligations towards
our informants and a necessary engagement
in the field of study. As an inseparable
part of the production of anthropological
know-ledge this engagement should be
more explicitly addressed and reflected
in anthropological writing and in the very
idea of the anthropological project. If
this engagement is properly reflected and
addressed, a constructive anthropological
critique might evolve that points to viable
solutions to the social problems and sufferings
encountered. Re-inscribing “participation”
in the anthropological project as fundamental
to any knowledge might also remind us that
fieldwork, like any other social engagement,
is fraught with social obligations that do
not vanish with theoretical distance and
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