USIKKERHEDSSTRATEGIER: Psykiateres håndtering af terapeutiske krisesituationer med skizofrene patienter
During the 1990’s, the social sciences have
increasingly focused on the structure and
function of scientific expert systems, and the
nature of expert reflexivity in these particular
settings. This article takes a similar focus
and presents data from interviews made
during an ethnographic fieldwork among
psychiatric psychotherapists. The therapists
worked with schizophrenic patients in a
Danish mental hospital. The article shows
some of the major scientific norms structuring
the course of daily clinical practice,
and highlights how the therapists cope
with situations in which they experience
uncertainties in the interaction with schizophrenic
patients. It is suggested that the therapists
deal with these difficulties in terms
of specific coping strategies, which seem to
neutralise, integrate or symbolise the uncertainties
in question. It is then discussed how
order and stability are maintained normatively
as well as strategically, and how norms
and practices are related to one another in
this particular environment of experts.
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