Traditionally, anthropologists have
sympathized with marginalized objects of
study – people who do not have the power
to speak for themselves. Acting as advocates
of subordinate groups has thus seemed
much more attractive to anthropologists
than studying institutions and powerful
informants. Though many recent studies of
Western institutions and elite groups have
modified this viewpoint, a marked tendency
still exists to criticise these informants
for being unambiguously hegemonic,
whereas minorities are almost automatically
rendered as complex. The article considers
the methodological implications of letting
the status of the informants influence which
ethical codex is to be followed – a sympathetic
approach to marginalized people, or a critical
approach to dominant groups and institutions.
It is argued that fieldwork among elites can
hardly be legitimized if it does not strive to
render their worlds more comprehensible and
varied. Exemplified trhough a recent study of
the relations between teachers and bilingual
pupils in two French primary schools, it is
shown that the French teachers’ multiple
discourses on differences among the children
cut across the so-called “dominant” discourse
normally addressed by educational and
minority anthropology. This article shows
that a focus on the complexity of institutions
and powerful elites can point to possibilities
within the field studied for enhancing equality.
A more solidary perspective should therefore
inspire critical anthropology to break with
the usual dichotomy between power or elite
and the “victims” hereof. Instead, we need to
engage all parties studied as competent and
often reliable informants in order to make
our critique more accurate.
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