FRAVÆR AF VIDEN, VIDEN OM FRAVÆR: Magiske effekter i det postsocialistiske Mongoliet
The fall of socialism has brought about a renewed engagement with magical objects and
practices in Mongolia. However, many years of religious repression during the seventy
years of socialist rule have led people to believe that their knowledge of religion, spirit
powers and magical phenomena is insufficient at best. It is beyond doubt that much
knowledge and many religious objects were lost during socialism, especially during the
purges of the 1930s. Yet, rather than analysing people’s dealings with spirit powers and
magic as based on insufficient knowledge, this article attends to the current lack of
knowledge about such phenomena, as well as to the ‘absent knowledge’ manifest in the
aesthetics of certain objects and acts, as a precondition for their efficacy as magical
objects and practices. As such, it is argued that it is this lack of knowledge that has made
the phenomena in question more, and not less, magical and powerful.
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