TRANSNATIONALE BARNDOMME: Refleksioner over bømemigranter og identitet
Michael Anderson: Transnational
Childhood: Reflections on Child
Migrants and Identity
The article seeks to elucidate some themes
pertinent to childhood migrancy from the
perspective of children’s reported
experiences, in an attempt to challenge
“static” conceptualizations of the child in a
moving world. Through interpretive analysis
of four vignettes about Iraqi refugee
children, the author hints at the limitations of
contemporary theorising which either
homogenises children as the same all over
the world, or particularises them as culturally
specific in definitively bounded locations.
The migrant child, whose identity is
transnational and transcultural, challenges
both of these conceptualizations. Furthermore,
given the opportunity, children prove
articulate “expositors” of the dynamic
processes inherent in this complexity in their
narrative (verbal and behavioural) mappings
of themselves. By availing ourselves of their
words, actions and imaginations, we can
participate in their making sense of a world in
movement and their own childhoods as they
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