Helle Samuelsen: Spirit Children
According to local cosmology among the
Bissa of Burkina Faso, small children up to
3-4 years of age are seen as balancing
between the living and the spiritual worlds.
At this early stage in their lives, they are in a
transitional state with a certain attachment to
the world of spirits and ancestors. On the one
hånd, children are considered vulnerable and
thus eligible for parental protection, while
on the other hånd, they are perceived as
powerful in that they represent the spiritual
world. This local cosmology of early
childhood liminality is inscribed in children’s
bodies through daily practices of
preventing and treating illness. Practices for
controlling bodily orifices, viewed as
thresholds between inner body and the
extemal world, and controlling spatial
boundaries between village and bush, are
important in regulating the relationship
between the living and the spiritual worlds.
Analytically, the body can bc seen as part of
the topology where local cosmology is
unfolded. The article shows how studies of
daily health care practices aimed at
controlling the liminality of small children
contribute to understanding how local
cosmology is practiced in everyday life. It is
argued that although children are not studied
as individual agents in this article, a focus on
children gives insight into other and more
general aspects of the local culture.
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