TILBAGE TIL GADEN: Børn og unges liv på gaden i Nairobi
Malene Molding: Back to the Street:
Young People Living in the Streets of
The article deals with people who live and
work on the streets of Nairobi, Kenya. It is
based on fieldwork conducted in 1995-1996
by the author, who at that time was working
at a rehabilitation centre for Street giris. The
article aims to identify pull-factors, i.e.
factors which, to young people, make Street
life appear as an attractive alternative to
other apparently desirable lifestyles. Thus, it
differs in focus from other studies aiming to
identify and explain so-called push factors,
i.e. factors such as political, economic or
social conditions that initially cause young
people to choose to leave home and take to
the streets. Inspired by sociologist Pierre
Bourdieu, the author regards Street life as a
lifestyle that unfolds in a social field
characterised by specific codes of conduct
and competitive social positions of symbolic
Capital. By introducing the concept of “Street
life expertise” and discussing its linkage to
motivation and identification, the author
argues that Street life appears attractive to
people who have established social com-
children’s bodily experiences, are shown to
be in conflict with the children’s
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