OM AT VENTE OG IKKE VIDE: Tid og disciplin i en engelsk primary school
Anna Lærke: Waiting Patiently: Time
and Discipline in an English Primary
In 1994-96, the author conducted fieldwork
among young children in an English village.
The article focuses on local notions and
practices of discipline in the village primary
school, specifically on the use of time as a
disciplinary technique. The term “discipline”
is used, in a broad sense, to denote practices.
strategies, and ideas involved in children’s
and adults’ demarcations of one another’s
identities. Thus, it is argued, adult and child
notions of age as a naturalized measure of
children’s (but not adults’) identity, and adult
time-controlling practices such as timescheduling
and pausing, play into, and in tum
construct, notions of “the Child” as more
“biologically determined” and less socially
skilied than “the Adult”. With reference to
examples from the field, the author asks to
what extent one can theorize child practices
such as “disruptive behaviour” and “slowness”
as expressions of pupil resistance to
teacher domination in the school. It is
tentatively suggested that adult-child relations
be viewed not as simple dominationsubordination
relations, but rather as complex
and continuous negotiations of relative
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