KORREKT OPTRÆDEN: Performative aspekter af politi og politiarbejde
Critical researchers in contemporary police
studies argue that the celebrated role of the
police as “crime fighters” is but an illusion.
But such criticism disregards the symbolic
dimensions of police work. This article presents
an analysis of different kinds of police
performances and shows how officers use
performative strategies, both in order to meet
the public‘s expectations of them, and in order
to make their own working conditions
controllable, predictable, and in tune with
their idea of what constitutes “real police
work”. Even though this concept may be said
to be more of an illusion than a reality, it provides
the framework for most police work.
Police officers and citizens share the belief
that the police can and do in fact fight crime,
and this shared belief makes it possible for
the police to maintain what could be termed
their performative efficiency.
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