Vol. 21 No. 39 (2023): Patient Reported Outcomes

PRO som bro til en helhedsorienteret tilgang til patienter med hæmatologiske kræftformer - En kritisk perspektivering

Stine Thestrup Hansen
Hæmatologisk Afdeling, Sjællands Universitetshospital; Plastik- og Brystkirurgisk Afdeling, Sjællands Universitetshospital; Institut for Regional Sundhedsforskning, Syddansk Universitet
Mette Kjerholt
Hæmatologisk Afdeling, Sjællands Universitetshospital

Published 2023-12-07 — Updated on 2023-12-07



  • PRO,
  • Hæmatologi,
  • Sygepleje,
  • Helhedsorienterede forløb,
  • Anvendelsesorieteret forskning

How to Cite

Thestrup Hansen, S., & Kjerholt, M. (2023). PRO som bro til en helhedsorienteret tilgang til patienter med hæmatologiske kræftformer - En kritisk perspektivering. Tidsskrift for Forskning I Sygdom Og Samfund - Journal of Research in Sickness and Society, 21(39). https://doi.org/10.7146/tfss.v21i39.133812



There is evidence that communication between healthcare professionals and patients improves when Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) are actively used in clinical consultations. PRO can contribute to person-centred and holistic care and treatment and supports shared decision making.  Despite gaining ground in Danish hospitals, there is still a lack of knowledge about the potential of using PRO in nursing consultations with haematological patients undergoing longer courses of treatment and care.


Study: “PRO in practice”

Against this background, the Department of Haematology at Zealand University Hospital launched a multi-method study on PRO in practice to examine whether the use of PRO by nurses in practice supported a holistic approach to the care and treatment of patients diagnosed with chronic haematological cancers.

The study was a qualitative ethnographic study, taking place from 2016 to 2020. The analysis was inspired by Habermas’ critical theory.



9 nurses were observed during consultations with patients and subsequently interviewed. The study showed that the nurses found the information they obtained via PRO data supportive of their work with care and treatment of patients. However, the nurses did not have frameworks or opportunities to actively use PRO during consultations in the time available, as they prioritised the time for discussion of blood tests and instrumental medical treatment.



It remains to be seen whether PRO can promote person-centred and holistic nursing care to patients with haematologic chronic cancers, and whether the use of PRO can be implemented within the current organisational frameworks and conditions in which nursing in a hospital context is practiced.


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