On the interrelationship between linguistics and philosophy in Eugenio Coseriu’s scientific thinking
Eugenio Coseriu’s scientific thinking, philosophy of linguistics, Sincronía, diacronía e historia (Synchrony, Diachrony and History), natural vs human sciences, causal vs finalist explanations, original knowledge, intuitionAbstract
This article aims to show how closely interrelated philosophy and linguistics are in Eugenio Coseriu’s scientific thinking. It argues that Synchrony, Diachrony and History (SDH), one of the author's major works, cannot be conceived as a mere treatise on the problem of linguistic change, but needs to be recognised as a fundamental work for unravelling the epistemological principles that underpin the philosophical-scientific edifice of Coseriu’s linguistic theory. Based on SDH, it will be shown how, in this work, Coseriu insists on the errors of the approach and method that the causalist perspective promotes, how he advocates for the differentiation between natural sciences and human sciences and the consequent application, in the latter, of a finalist perspective, and finally how he describes the epistemic activities involved in resorting to the original knowledge or intuition that the linguist has as a speaker of the language under study.
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López Serena, Araceli. 2014. Selección natural, explicación racional y cambio lingüístico: Hacia una fundamentación epistemológica no evolucionista de la teoría de la gramaticalización. Rilce, vol. 30, 3, 691-704.: https://doi.org/10.15581/008.30.367
López Serena, Araceli. 2015. La tensión entre teoría y norma en la Nueva gramática de la lengua española. Una falsa disyuntiva epistemológica. Boletín de la Real Academia Española, vol. 95, 311, 143-166. Online: http://revistas.rae.es/brae/article/view/43
López Serena, Araceli. 2019a. La lingüística como ciencia humana: una incursión desde la filosofía de la ciencia. Madrid: Arco/Libros-La Muralla.
López Serena, Araceli. 2019b. La interrelación entre Lingüística y Filosofía en Sincronía, diacronía e historia de Eugenio Coseriu. Onomázein., vol. 45, 1-30. https://doi.org/ 10.7764/onomazein.45.10
López Serena, Araceli. 2021. En torno al edificio filosófico-científico de la teoría lingüística coseriana: reflexiones sobre “Logicismo y antilogicismo en la gramática”. RILCE: Revista de filología hispánica, vol. 37, 2, 709–727. https://doi.org/10.15581/ Fort he English version, see López Serena, Araceli. 2021. On the Philosophical-Scientific Edifice of Coserian Linguistic Theory. An Epistemological Analysis of “Logicism and Antilogicism in Grammar”. Concordia Discors vs. Discordia Concors, vol. 15, 229-256
López Serena, Araceli. 2022. La dimensión epistemológica de Forma y sustancia en los sonidos del lenguaje, Lingüística, vol. 38, 2, 51-69. https://doi.org/10.5935/2079-312X.20220016
López Serena, Araceli. In press. Foundations for a hermeneutic philosophy of the human sciences: Coseriu and Itkonen’s metatheoretical approach to linguistics. The Unity and Diversity of Linguistics: Studies in Honour of Esa Itkonen.
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