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The purpose of the SJSEP is to collect and disseminate knowledge and experiences between researchers, practitioners, athletes, coaches and others with interest for sport psychology.


SJSEP Master Thesis Award 2022


The members of the committee have reviewed the eligible manuscripts, and Scandinavian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology and Danish Sports Psychology Forum (DIFO) are pleased to announce that the winner of the Master Thesis Award for 2022 is Håvard Carlsen for the paper:

Fysisk aktivitet og ensomhet blant unge studenter under koronapandemien

The study aimed to investigate if there is a correlation between physical activity and loneliness among young students, as well as controlling for other factors that have been shown to be related to loneliness in the group. A regression analysis conducted on a sample of 1733 students showed that students who exercise are less lonely compared to students who do not exercise. Student loneliness is a problem on the rise which means that investigating the importance of exercising is an important topic of research and one which has significant relevance to the Scandinavian sport and exercise psychology community. The study demonstrates good quality in its use of basic quantitative methods, the research is well-designed and executed. The study has a large sample size, which increase the validity and generalizability of the findings. Finally, considering the body of literature published in SJSEP, both the method and the topic are areas which the journal wants to promote.

Læs mere om SJSEP Master Thesis Award 2022

Nyeste nummer

Årg. 6 (2024)
Publiceret: 2024-04-10


Master thesis section

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About Scandinavian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology

Aim and Scope

The purpose of the Scandinavian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology is to collect and disseminate knowledge and experiences between researchers, practitioners, athletes, coaches and others with interest for sport psychology. It is an open access journal published yearly by the Danish Sport Psychological Forum and aims to publish high quality articles within sport and exercise psychology through two sections: a) a research section and b) an applied practice section.

Editorial board


  • Peter Elsborg, PhD, Postdoc, Steno Diabetes Center, Denmark.
  • Johan M. Wikman, PhD, Assistant Professor, Halmstad University, Sweden.

Returning reviewers

  • Anne-Marie Elbe, PhD, Professor, University of Leipzig, Germany.
  • Kristoffer Henriksen, PhD, Associated Professor, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
  • Carsten Hvid Larsen, PhD, Assistant Professor, Denmark.
  • Niels Rossing, Teaching Associate Professor, University of Aalborg, Denmark.
  • Knud Ryom, PhD, Postdoc, Aarhus University, Denmark.
  • Reinhard Stelter, PhD, Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Xavier Sanchez, PhD, assistant professor, University of Halmstad.

Inareuctions for authors

Manuscripts should be prepared in British English, Danish, Norwegian or Swedish. Length should not exceed 35.000 letters including spaces and references, and may include tables, figures and pictures. Submissions will undergo a double-blinded review process by two reviewers, and review comments will be available online upon publication of the manuscript to ensure a transparent review process. A manuscript should be submitted for either the research or the practice section by the author.

Research section

A manuscript submitted to the research section should attempt to disseminate sound research in sport and exercise psychology in a way so that readers can replicate the study if necessary. The manuscript should include, but is not limited to; abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion sections.

Applied section

A manuscript submitted to the applied practice section should attempt to disseminate deliberations and experiences on sport and exercise psychology in practice. Submissions to this section will not be evaluated as a scientific manuscript, but as thorough and informed reflections on practice. It is expected that; background, context and knowledge informing the practice is well described in applied papers. The manuscript should include, but is not limited to; abstract, introduction, theoretical background, practice description and discussion sections.


General instructions

All manuscripts should be submitted as a MS Word document (.doc or .docx) and prepared with

  • Corresponding author information
  • An abstract (100-200 words)
  • 3-5 keywords
  • Double line spacing (except for tables).
  • Times New Roman, size 12.
  • Page numbers, with title page as no. 1.
  • Line numbers, starting with 1 on each page.
  • Heading levels:
  • Centered, boldface, uppercase and lowercase heading.
  • Flush left, boldface, uppercase and lowercase heading.
  • Indented, boldface, lowercase paragraph ending with a period.
  • Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase paragraph ending with a period.
  • Indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph ending with a period.
  • First sentence in each paragraph indented.
  • References in text:
  • One author: Name (year) or (Name, year).
  • Two authors: Name and Name (year) or (Name & Name, year).
  • Three, four or five authors: Name, Name, and Name, (year) or (Name, Name, & Name, year). Subsequent citations after the first are Name et al. (year) or (Name et al., year)
  • Six authors or more: Name et al. (year) or (Name et al., year).
  • Authors in reference list:
    • One author: Name, N. N.
    • Two authors: Name, N. N. & Name, N. N.
    • Three authors or more: Name, N. N., Name, N. N., & Name N. N.
  • References in reference list:
    • Journal article: Author names (year). Title of article in lowercase. Title of journal in uppercase and lowercase as well as in italic, issue number in italic, page numbers.
    • Book: Author names (year). Title of book in lowercase and italic. Location: Publisher.
  • Book chapter: Author names (year). Title of chapter in lowercase. In N. N. Name (Ed.), Title of book in lowercase and italic (pp. page numbers). Location: Publisher.
  • Author bio (50-100 words).
  • Author photo (jpeg-file, min. 300dpi).

For further guidelines for manuscript preparation and referencing, please consult the Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association, 6th edition.

Manuscripts are expected to report any funding in their research and if ethical concerns are considered.