Religionsvidenskabens primitivitetsopfattelser
Primitivitet, Naturvidenskab, FilosofiResumé
This article explores notions of primitivism through a critical examination of the implicit and explicit assumptions behind these notions against the background of recent developments in the philosophy of science. In the section on terms and definitions the empirical and theoretical problems involved in the use of these terms are raised. The section on primitivism and literacy explores the weaknes of the stance known as "The Great Divide" thesis. The problems associated with mentality and rationalism follow with recent criticisms from the philosophy of science and anthropology on the attempt to model the hunman and social sciences on the hard sciences, on the illusions of linguistic and other forms of exactitude in the natural sciences, on the mutual incompatibility of notions of rationalism used in the various sciences, and on the questionability of a too close encounter between the cultural sciences and philosophy. The section on tradition and change explores the role of the supposed dichotomy between the two in notions of primitivism and xplores the political and ethical problems involved i nthe historiography of exotic cultures. This leads to the section on the whole problem of the cultural construction of the Other and the role played by stereotypes in that construction. The article ends with a discussion of the formidable problems in intercultural communication with an appeal to Western scientists to be more reflective on and critidal of their own positions.Downloads
Geertz, A. W. (1994). Religionsvidenskabens primitivitetsopfattelser. Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift, (25).
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