Om dejlige dage: Hiero- og teofore processioner i arkaisk religion og i Det Gamle Testamente
processions, archaic religion, Egyptian religion, Mesopotamian religion, the ark, Durkheim, Rappaport, indexical and symbolic messages, prohibition of images.Resumé
English abstract: This article, “On lovely days: hierophoric and theophoric processions in archaic religion and in the Old Testament”, provides examples of processions and their significance in archaic Near Eastern religions and of the scholarly discussions on possible processions in the Yahweh-religion. The article also proposes that the prohibition against images in the Old Testament is rooted in an effort to immunize Jews against the attractions of processions.
Dansk resume: Artiklen her giver eksempler på processionernes betydning i arkaiske, nærorientalske religioner og over forskningsdebatten om hvorvidt processioner også har været en del af Jahve-religionen i Jerusalem. Afslutningsvis foreslås at det primære formål med det såkaldte ‘billedforbud’ i GT har været at immunisere Jahve-dyrkere imod processionernes fascinationskraft.
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