Grænser for religion
Limits of religion, quantitative analysis, International Social Survey Programme 2008, secularization, individualization, valuesResumé
Where and in what context Danes accept religion is dependent upon their attitudes toward the boundaries of religion. Dependent upon the theoretical point of departure, the boundary may be expected to be situated between religion in the public and the private sphere (secularization theory) or between religious exercise of authority and religious self-expression (individualization theory). To determine which theory may best explain the Danes' view concerning the acceptable place of religion in Denmark, data from the International Social Survey Programme 2008 ‒ Religion III questionnaire are utilised. The analysis shows that the boundary of religion is situated at the point of religious exercise of authority, and thus individualization theory best explains the limits of religion in Denmark. Furthermore, it can be shown that this boundary is part of the existing value-based cleavages among the Danes.
Hvor og i hvilken sammenhæng danskerne accepterer religion, afgøres bl.a. af deres holdning til, hvor grænsen går for religion i samfundet. Alt efter teoretisk udgangspunkt forventes grænsen at gå mellem religion i det offentlige og det private rum (sekulariseringsteori) eller mellem religiøs autoritetsudøvelse og religiøs selvudfoldelse (individualiseringsteori). Til at afgøre hvilket teoretisk udgangspunkt som bedst forklarer danskernes syn på religions rette plads i Danmark, benyttes data fra International Social Survey Programme 2008 ‒ Religion III spørgeskemaundersøgelsen. Det viser sig, at grænsen for hvor danskerne vil acceptere religion går ved religiøs autoritetsudøvelse, og dermed at individualiseringsteori bedst forklarer grænsen for religion i Danmark. Det kan ydermere vises, at denne grænse er en del af de eksisterende værdimæssige kløfter blandt danskerne
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