Sufi-festivaler i Europa: i kunstens og antiradikaliseringens tjeneste
sufisme, festivals: Europe, anti-radicalisation, spirituality, arts, post-traditional communitiesResumé
ABSTRACT: This paper presents Sufi festivals as a new site for institutionalising and negotiating Sufi identities in Europe and discusses them in their political framing as events in the fight against radicalisation. The comparative analysis of four Sufi festivals in Eigeltingen-Reute on Lake Constance (2022), in Glasgow (2022), Paris (2017-2019), and Hamburg (2022) shows that programmes, motivations for organising, conceptualisations of Sufism as well as ways of conveying it can differ greatly from each other, but at the same time have commonalities: the consolidation of Sufi identity as a cosmopolitan and tolerant version of Islam, the conveying of Sufism as a spirituality that can be experienced through art, as well as the presentation of Sufism as a value system.
RESUME: Denne artikel præsenterer sufi-festivaler som et nyt omdrejningspunkt for institutionalisering og forhandling af sufi-identiteter i Europa og diskuterer den politiske fremstilling af dem som begivenheder i en kamp imod radikalisering. Den komparative analyse af fire sufi-festivaler i Eigeltingen-Reute ved Bodensøen (2022), i Glasgow (2022), Paris (2017-2019) og Hamburg (2022) viser, at programmer, bevæggrunde for organisering, konceptualiseringer af sufisme og måder at formidle sufisme på kan adskille sig meget fra hinanden, men samtidig have fællestræk: konsolidering af sufi-identiteten som en kosmopolitisk og tolerant version af islam, formidling af sufisme som en form for spiritualitet, der kan opleves gennem kunst og præsentation af sufisme som et værdisystem.
- 2024-11-05 (2)
- 2024-10-31 (1)
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