Austrfararvísur and Interreligious Contacts in Conversion Age Scandinavia
Austrfararvísur, alfablót, hof, mission, conversionResumé
SUMMARY: This article examines stanzas 4-8 of Sigvatr Þórðarson’s poem Austrfararvísur which describe the famous confrontation between the Christian skald and the inhospitable pagan inhabitants of a remote place. Rather than see the rejections of the skald as caused by the private nature of the alfablót, they are understood as a symptom of the fact that the traditional religion was changing in response to the pressure exerted by the Christian mission.
RESUME: Artiklen undersøger strofe 4-8 af Sigvatr Þórðarsons digt Austrfararvísur som beskriver den berømte konfrontation mellem den kristne skjald og de ugæstfri hedenske beboere på en fjerntliggende sted. Snarere end at se afvisningerne af skjalden begrundet i et alfablóts private natur, forstås de som et symptom på det forhold at den traditionelle religion var ved at forandre sig under pres fra den kristne mission.
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