Mobning og interventioner

– positioneringsteoretiske analyser af gruppesamtaler med børn


  • Stine Kaplan Jørgensen



Bullying, Interventions, group conversations, circle time, positioning theory, discourse analysis


The article is based on the defense of the dissertation “Bullying and interventions – positioning theoretical analysis of group conversations with children”. The study is an empirical study of selected group meetings used in Danish Schools that intends to reduce or stop bullying. The aim of the dissertation is to create insight into power struggles and negotiations that take place during the group meetings and to show how these negotiations interact with current bullying patterns in the selected classes. The study is rooted within a poststructuralist understanding of bullying and positioning theory is used to analyze the conversations seen as discursive practices. The analyses are based on two cases. The first being Girl meetings in 5th grade and the other being Appreciative Inquiry conversations used in a 3th grade. The analysis show how the group meetings are appropriated by the children to continue micro-political negotiations, but in ways that are adjusted to the dominant principles that the different conversations are led by. The article proposes that the group conversations, rather than reducing bullying patterns, seem to potentially strengthen them. One of the dissertations important insights is thus that group conversations contain the potential to serve as a paradoxical force, which exacerbates instead of improves the social conditions of the children involved.




How to Cite

Jørgensen, S. K. (2017). Mobning og interventioner: – positioneringsteoretiske analyser af gruppesamtaler med børn. Nordiske Udkast, 45(1).


