“Now we take over”
– a discourse analysis of subject positions in psychiatric nursing
psychiatry, gender, power, ethics, discourseAbstract
Drawing on the theory of discourse laid out by Laclau and Mouffe, we have analyzed and interpreted an exemplary text book on psychi- atric nursing that represents dominant percep- tions of the relationship between psychiatric nurses and patients. Our analysis has eluci
dated the ways in which this particular text book structures a certain gendered subject po- sition of the psychiatric “Nurse” as a dominant and caring mother by perpetuating religious and feminist standpoints. The subject posi- tion of the “Nurse” is articulated in contrast to a particular subjectivation of the “Patient” as weak and childlike. Moreover, we discuss how such discursive articulations are embed- ded in the professional and ethical structures of the psychiatric field. Conclusively, this ar- ticle accentuates the relevancy of including a more social scientific orientation in psychiatric research and practice.