Kalker er ikke bare kalker. Et forsøg på at vurdere oversættelseslån
For historical reasons most ofthe calques in Grecnlandic come from Danish. Some ofthcm are old and
well established, others are still on theirway into the language, and not yet generally acceptcd. Ina pilot
study 1 invcstigated thc attitude towards difTcrcnt types of ealqucs. Although oldcr informants generally
accept fcwcr ealqucs than youngcr informants, there is grcat individual variation. But also thc form,
content and funetion of calques seem to play a role in their spreading and use, and may serve as useful
background criteria for selcetion. Introdueing ealqucs in (Greenlandic) dietionaries pose specific problems
with respeet to authorization of non-genuine expressions.
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Nordisk Forening for Leksikografi/NSL og forfatterne.