Deskriptive, præskriptive og proskriptive angivelser om substantivers pluralis
In thc discussion about thc lcxicographical trcatmcnt language nonns you have too to takc in account
that somc nouns arc not countablc othcr arc, but are only uscd in thc singular fonn. You find at least
four di ffcrcnt lcxicographical trcatmcnts:
• Thc dictionary has information by all nouns about thc plural form, also ifthis fonn is not or only vcry
scldom uscd.
• Thc dictionary has information, whcn plural is not possiblc or is scldom.
• Thc dictionary gives infonnation about thc plural fonn by compound lcmmas, only ifthc compound
is countablc and thc basis word not.
• Thc dictionary infonns thc user, if plural is scldom or only uscd in a ccrtain spccializcd language.
Thosc di ffcrcnt trcatmcnts arc all incomplctc and not quitc instructivc. This papcr proposes a more
function rclatcd lcxicographical practicc.
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