Noen sentrale egenskaper ved deverbale nominaliseringer i norsk bokmål
In this articlc somc basic propcrtics of dcvcrbal nouns of the type arkitektens tegning av plattformen
(the architcct's drawing of the platform) are dcscribcd. The question ofpresence of argument structurc
gcncrally assumcd for thcsc types of nouns is discusscd, cspccially in the contcxt of -ing nominals and
root nominals. Data clcarly shows that both thesc morphological types do have argument structurc in
Norwegian. It is also demonstratcd that root nominals is a hctcrogcncous type as far as the qucstion of
argument structurc and conscqucntly the usc of prcpositions in the postnominal phrasc are conccmcd.
The usc ofthcsc prcpositions is shown to corrcspond to the aspectual distinction bctwccn pcrfcctivc and
imperfcctivc aspcct in the head dcvcrbal noun.
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